Jordan Rey – Olympic weightlifting/powerlifting coach


B.S. Kinesiology, California State University, Long Beach


ACE Certified Personal Trainer

ACE Corrective Exercise Specialist


Jordan graduated from CSULB, earning his B.S. in kinesiology – fitness where he was exposed to many different approaches to training. Starting with an emphasis on exercise science, then switching to a concentration in fitness, he was able to gain experience both as a researcher, then as a practitioner. With this background, Jordan is able to bridge the gaps between the science and practice to create well rounded programs that can fit any clients’ needs.

During his time at CSULB, Jordan was able to learn from Olympic level trainers about nutrition, psychology, and training. He also had opportunities to participate in graduate level studies that taught him how to think critically and sort through raw information to discern what can be taken applied on the training floor.


Jordan has a wide skill set to go along with his 4 years of personal training. Starting at CSULB, Jordan worked with osteoperostic clients that were coming out of physical therapy in the LifeFit Center, learning how to properly handle clients and group classes with a wide array of physical limitations.

After leaving LifeFit, Jordan joined Crunch as a full time trainer, and was a top five salesperson in the California region within his first three months working. There, Jordan was able to work with clients that wanted to specialize in a variety of modalities, from bodybuilding, powerlifting, athletic performance, to those who just wanted to help getting rid of their back pain.

Jordan is exceptional as a powerlifting coach, often putting anywhere from 50-100 pounds on his clients’ lifts, while also fixing their injuries. His focus on learning the ins and outs of squat mechanics has prepped him to excel in navigating powerlifting, both for himself and his clients. Jordan is looking to become a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist within the next year, expanding his knowledge of the sports performance realm.


Jordan has been very interested in fitness since he was young. In total, he has accumulated six years experience with bodybuilding, three years with powerlifting, and is now starting a journey into Olympic weightlifting, always seeking new concepts to take into his profession.

He has been interested in elevating others, not only through his work with his clients, but also as a dance teacher and president of PCN, the largest single organization event held at CSULB. Outside of the weight room, Jordan loves basketball, football, and hockey, often going to professional games in his free time.

Personal Philosophy

Jordan has always been someone who has known the benefits that exercise can have on the mind and body. Fitness has taught him very important concepts that he hopes his training can bring into other peoples’ lives. Many skills that set someone up for success can be observed in the microcosm that is fitness. Organizing schedules, being punctual, giving his best effort, and breaking through your own limitations are just a few of the many lessons that can be taught by a barbell and some weights.

Often times, people do not realize the impact their physical health has on their mental health, and that idea is something Jordan looks to instill in all his clients. There is no doubt that strength is never a weakness, but the true value of getting fit is teaching yourself how to learn, how to strive for accomplishment, and how to love yourself during the low moments. Jordan hopes to use the opportunity afforded to him through his career path to teach others how to teach themselves, and improve their lives by their own actions.